Mental wellness is so incredibly important, and yet it is often overlooked or pushed aside. It is essential for us to prioritize our mental health and find ways to maintain our inner wellbeing. The truth is, mental wellness is a journey. It is something that you need to work on and build up over time.

I've learned that this journey is one that is filled with highs and lows. There are days when I feel energized and motivated, and days when I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Despite the ever-changing landscape of my mental health, I have learned that I am capable of creating a sense of inner peace and stability.

One of the first steps in my journey was to understand and accept my feelings. I gave myself the permission to experience a wide range of emotions without judgement. I embraced my feelings, even the ones that felt uncomfortable or scary, and I worked through them. Instead of avoiding the feelings, I faced them head on and I gained a better understanding of myself.

I also started to focus on the things that bring me joy. I started to pick up hobbies that I had put aside and I began to invest more time in activities that light me up. I started to take better care of myself and nourish my body. I made sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and move my body.

Most importantly, I learned to practice self-compassion. I stopped beating myself up and instead I began to speak to myself with kindness and understanding. I embraced the idea that I am allowed to make mistakes and that my worth does not depend on my achievements.

Mental wellness is an ongoing journey, and there are days when it feels easier than others. But, I have learned that I am capable of creating a sense of inner peace and stability. I am capable of being my own best friend and taking good care of myself. This is something I will continue to work on and I know that I am capable of creating a life of mental wellness.


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