Are you following anyone in your life that you shouldn't be following? Take a look at the people you've surrounded yourself with. Are they making you feel emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually unwell? If so, it may be time to unfollow them from your life.

We all need a support system of people in our lives to help us stay on track, but if the people in your life are not helping you get closer to God, then it's time to unfollow them. The people in your life should be encouraging you to be a mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually well-rounded person with a strong relationship with God.

Not everyone in your life needs to be a Christian, but they should at least be supportive of your spiritual journey. Take a look at the people in your life and decide if they are helping you reach your spiritual goals or if they are holding you back. Unfollowing those who are holding you back can help you move forward and reach your spiritual goals.

It can be hard to unfollow people from our lives, but if they are holding us back from being the best version of ourselves then it is necessary. You can still love and care for them, but it's important to remember that your relationship with God should be the top priority.

Don't let anyone stand in the way of your spiritual growth. Take some time to reflect on the people in your life and ask yourself if you are following the right people. Unfollowing those who do not make you feel mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually well can help you get closer to God and reach your spiritual goals.



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